In 1824 Mexico granted nearly 656,000 acres to Pablo Montoya and in 1947 the Bell Ranch was broken up. In 1970, William N. Lane — a Chicago businessman — purchased 130,000 acres. By 1974 this energetic visionary had reassembled 290,100 acres under one fence and one brand — 44% of the Original Grant!
The Ranch presents a most extraordinary opportunity to enter or expand in the cattle business available anywhere in America. The Bell comfortably carries 5,000 Animal Units on a year 'round basis.
There is nothing like The Bell remaining in the traditional "large ranch" states of New Mexico, Texas, Arizona, Florida, California, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, Montana, Nevada and Utah.
It is quite possible that another ranch offering encompassing nearly 300,000 deeded acres may not be seen again for many generations. |